Child Custody Evaluation
Parents want what is best for their child, but they may differ as to what that might be. Our psychologists can assist in determining the best interests of your child with an objective and evidence-based assessment.
Child Custody Evaluations (CCEs), also known as Practice Note 8: Parenting Time/Parenting Responsibilities Assessments, are comprehensive evaluations of a family. A Court appointed Parenting Expert is retained to assist the Court in determining a parenting arrangement that meets the specific needs of the child.
In contemplation of the particular age and stage of development for each child within the family dynamic, the Parenting Expert evaluates specific strengths and vulnerabilities associated with both parents. The expert collects information from a number of sources which may include: evidence-based psychological tests, comprehensive clinical interviewing of the parents, children, and other individuals whom play a significant role in the child’s lives, as well as collateral interviews with professionals and others associated with the family. Additionally, parent-child observations and internationally accepted research is also integrated. This allows the Parenting Expert to provide recommendations regarding custody/access for parties involved in family law matters and parenting disputes.
The psychologists at Taylor Clark Psychological Services have the expertise the Court requires to assist in determining the best interest of a child, when all other remedies have been exhausted.
How we can help:
- Conduct a comprehensive assessment of a family
- Provide Best Interest parenting recommendations
- Application of current research in child development and custody